Title (english) Salivary gland diseases
Author Karlo Vrbanić
Mentor Irena Glažar (mentor)
Committee member Sonja Pezelj-Ribarić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nataša Ivančić Jokić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Dental Medicine) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine
Abstract Ljudsko tijelo sadrži velike i male žlijezde slinovnice, čija je glavna funkcija izlučivanje sline. Slina predstavlja kompleksnu tjelesnu tekućinu koja je zaslužna za regulaciju oralne flore, čišćenje, vlaženje usne šupljine, probavu te mnoge druge vitalne funkcije. Najčešći simptom bolesti žlijezda slinovnica je upravo smanjeno izlučivanje sline. Naime, bolesti žlijezda slinovnica mogu se podijeliti na tumorske i netumorske. U netumorske bolesti ubrajaju se upalne, infektivne bolesti,
... More kongenitalne anomalije, razvojni defekti, autoimune bolesti i ciste. Najčešći uzroci koji dovode do upalnih promjena su korištenje određenih lijekova, radioterapija, sustavne bolesti, infekcije virusom zaušnjaka ili bakterijske infekcije stafilokokom ili streptokokom. Tumori žlijezda slinovnica su vrlo rijetki, te se u 80% slučajeva nalaze u parotidnoj žlijezdi slinovnici. Također, razlikuju se benigni i maligni tumori. Što je žlijezda slinovnica manja, to je učestalost malignosti tumora veća. Liječenje bolesti može varirati ovisno o njenom uzroku. Moguće terapije uključuju kirurške zahvate, simptomatsko liječenje kao što je nadoknada tekućine, održavanje dobre oralne higijene, upotrebu preparata umjetne sline ili kirurški potpomognuto radioterapijom kao što je to slučaj kod mukoepidermoidnog karcinoma, najčešćeg malignog tumora žlijezda slinovnica. Less
Abstract (english) The human body contains large and small salivary glands, with the main role of secreting saliva. Saliva is a complex body fluid responsible for regulating oral flora, cleansing, moisturizing the oral cavity, digestion and numerous other vital functions. The most common specific symptom of salivary gland disease is reduced saliva secretion. Specifically, diseases affecting salivary glands are categorized as tumour and non-tumour. Non-tumour diseases include inflammatory, infectious
... More diseases, congenital anomalies, developmental defects, autoimmune diseases and cysts. The most common causes that lead to inflammatory changes are the use of certain drugs, radiotherapy, systemic diseases, mumps virus infection, or bacterial infection with staphylococcus or streptococcus. Salivary gland tumours are rare, and in 80% of cases are found in the parotid glands. Also, benign and malignant tumours are distinguishable. The smaller the salivary gland, the higher the incidence of tumour malignancy. The treatment of the disease can vary depending on its cause. Possible therapies include surgery, symptomatic treatment such as fluid replacement, maintaining good oral hygiene, use of artificial saliva preparations or surgically supported with radiotherapy as is the case with mucoepidermoid carcinoma, the most common malignant tumour of the salivary glands. Less
žlijezde slinovnice
Keywords (english)
parotid glands
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:271:922940
Study programme Title: Dental Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-09-01 09:00:28