Author Nina Švaco
Mentor Danko Bakarčić (mentor)
Committee member Danko Bakarčić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nataša Ivančić Jokić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Renata Gržić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Dental Medicine) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-09-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine Children's and Preventive Dental Medicine
Abstract U ljudskoj denticiji razlikuju se mliječna i trajna denticija te se u obje denticije mogu naći
dentalne anomalije. Anomalije broja, veličine i oblika zuba mogu biti kongenitalne, razvojne i
stečene. Kongenitalne anomalije genetski su predodređene i povezane s raznim sindromima
(kleidokranialna displazija, ektodermalna displazija, Down sindrom, rascjep nepca). Razvojne
anomalije nastaju u vremenu kad se formira zub, a stečene nakon razvitka zuba. Najčešće su
etiološki uzroci ovih
... More anomalija kombinirani te se radi o genetskim i okolišnim čimbenicima te
utjecaju kemoterapije, radioterapije, infekcije, traume i evolucije. Prema Butler Dahlbergovoj
teoriji genetski nastabilniji zub je onaj koji prvi niče u skupini (skupina sjekutića, očnjaka,
pretkutnjaka i kutnjaka). S druge strane, genetski nestabilan zub je onaj koji zadnji niče u
skupini te je on najviše podložan razvitku raznih anomalija. U ovom diplomskom radu
obrađene su anomalije broja zuba (hiperdoncija, hipodoncija, oligodoncija, anodoncija),
anomalije veličine zuba (makrodoncija, mikrodoncija, rizomegalija, rizomikrija) i anomalije
oblika zuba (fuzija, geminacija, konkrescencija, dens evaginatus (DE), dens invaginatus (DI),
taurodontizam, dilaceracija). Anomalije broja zuba nastaju zbog defekata u fazi inicijacije
zuba (stadij pupoljka), dok anomalije veličine i oblika zuba nastaju zbog problema u procesu
morfodiferencijacije. Iako je ponekad teško diferencijalno dijagnostički razlučiti neke od ovih
anomalija, kombinacija iscrpne anamneze, detaljnog kliničkog pregleda, analize RTG-a i
CBCT snimaka trebala bi biti dovoljna za donošenje ispravne dijagnoze te time i odabir
optimalne terapijske opcije. Ove anomalije je potrebno liječiti zbog toga što je primijećena
veća incidencija karijes aktivnosti, malokluzijama, parodontnim bolestima te otežanom i
ektopičnom nicanju susjednih zuba i trajnih nasljednika, a narušena je i estetika. Većina ovih
anomalija u terapiji zahtjeva multidisciplinarni pristup, odnosno suradnju raznih specijalista
uključujući DDM, specijalista dječje dentalne medicine, endodoncije, ortodoncije, protetike,
oralne kirurgije i po potrebi ostalih medicinskih specijalizacija. Less
Abstract (english) In human dentition, there is a difference between deciduous and permanent dentition and
dental anomalies can be found in both dentitions. Anomalies in the number, size, and shape of
teeth can be congenital, developmental, and acquired. Congenital anomalies are genetically
predisposed and associated with several syndromes (cleidocranial dysplasia, ectodermal
dysplasia, Down syndrome, cleft palate). Developmental anomalies occur at the time when
the tooth is formed and acquired
... More after the development of the tooth. Mostly the etiological
causes of these anomalies are combined, and it's about genetic and environmental factors plus
the influence of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, infection, trauma, and evolution. According to
Butler Dahlberg's theory, the most genetically stable tooth is the one that develops first in the
group (group of incisors, canines, premolars, and molars). On the other hand, a genetically
unstable tooth is the one that develops last in the group, and it's most susceptible to the
development of various anomalies. This graduate thesis deals with anomalies in the number of
teeth (hypodontia, oligodontia, anodontia), tooth size anomalies (macrodontia, microdontia,
radiculomegaly, rhizomicria), and tooth shape anomalies (fusion, gemination, concretion,
dens evaginatus (DE), dens invaginatus (DI), taurodontism, dilaceration. Anomalies in the
number of teeth develop due to defects in the phase of tooth initiation, while anomalies in the
size and shape of teeth develop due to problems in the process of morphodifferentiation.
Although it is sometimes difficult to differentiate some of these anomalies, a combination of
comprehensive medical history, detailed clinical examination, analysis of radiographs, and
CBCT images should be sufficient to make a correct diagnosis and therefore select the most
optimal therapeutic option. These anomalies need to be treated due to the higher number of
caries activity, malocclusions, periodontal diseases, and difficult ectopic eruption of adjacent and permanent teeth, and aesthetics are impaired. Most of these anomalies in therapy require a
multidisciplinary approach, that is, the cooperation of various specialists including DDM,
specialists in pediatric dentistry, endodontics, orthodontics, prosthetics, oral surgery, and, if
necessary, other medical specializations. Less
anomalije broja zuba
anomalije oblika zuba
anomalije veličine zuba
Butler Dahlbergova teorija
dentalne anomalije
Keywords (english)
anomalies of number
anomalies of shape
anomalies of size
Butler Dahlberg's theory
dental anomalies
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:271:201212
Study programme Title: Dental Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
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Created on 2023-01-20 07:38:39