Author Edi Orlić
Mentor Renata Gržić (mentor)
Committee member Renata Gržić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivone Uhač (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Stjepan Špalj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Dental Medicine) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine
Abstract COVID-19 je zarazna bolest otkrivena u Kini, krajem prosinca 2019. godine, a koja je
uzrokovana koronavirusom SARS-CoV-2.
Kao što je COVID-19 imao utjecaj na razne grane djelatnosti i ljude općenito, tako je imao i
utjecaj na djelatnost dentalne medicine, budući da je dentalna djelatnost, djelatnost u kojoj je
znatno otežano u potpunosti se zaštiti od koronavirusa, primarno zbog blizine sa svakim
pacijentom koju je nemoguće izbjeći u radu te zbog doticaja sa slinom pacijenta koja je jedna
... More od najčešćih načina prijenosa koronavirusa.
Dentalni djelatnici su na svom radnom mjestu izloženi mnogim faktorima koji mogu loše
utjecati na njihovo zdravlje i radnu sposobnosti. U dentalnoj medicini postoji veliki rizik od
izlaganja biološkim agensima koji su štetni po zdravlje, a nazivaju se biohazardi pod koje
podrazumijevamo infektivne mikroorganizme u koje ubrajamo viruse, bakterije i gljivice.
Djelatnici dentalne medicine mogu se zaraziti biološkim uzrocima na izravan način tako da
uzročnik zaraznih bolesti ulazi kroz ozljede na koži tijekom kontakta s pacijentom, ubodnim
incidentom iglom ili instrumentom te ugrizom pacijenta i na indirektan način posredstvom
sline, krvi, aerosola ili infektivnim otpadom.
Provedeno je istraživanju u kojemu su sudjelovali doktori dentalne medicine i dentalni
asistenti. Nisu uočena odstupanja u odgovorima te dvije grupe ispitanika. Odnosno, ne postoji
razlika u stavovima između doktora i asistenata glede utjecaja infekcije SARS-CoV-2
virusom na djelatnost dentalne medicine.
Ispitanici su većinom mišljenja kako je pandemija unijela tek minimalne promjene u njihov
svakodnevni rad. Većina dentalnih djelatnika ne strahuje za svoje zdravlje niti egzistenciju, uz
manji broj ispitanika koji ipak osjeća strah, a ponajviše oni koji su vlasnici ili zaposlenici u
ordinacijama čiji poveći udio u dobiti čini dentalni turizam, kao i vlasnici ili zaposlenici
ordinacija koje nemaju sklopljen ugovor s HZZO-om, budući da se radi o ordinacijama u
kojima se više primjećuje pad posjeta pacijenata. Među dentalnim djelatnicima nije uočen
značajan učinak pandemije COVID-19 na njihov rad te su ispitanici većinom mišljenja kako
je pandemija unijela tek minimalne promjene u njihov svakodnevni rad. Većina dentalnih
djelatnika ne strahuje za svoje zdravlje niti egzistenciju. Less
Abstract (english) COVID-19 is an infectious disease discovered in China in late December 2019, caused by the
coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.
Just as COVID-19 had an impact on various industries and people in general, so it had an impact on the dental activity. Dental medicine is an activity in which is very difficult to be fully
protected against coronavirus, primarily due to proximity to each patient which is impossible
to avoid at work and due to contact with the patient’s saliva which is one of the most common
... More modes of coronavirus transmission.
Dentists and their assistants in their workplace are extremely exposed to many different factors that can adversely affect their health and work ability. In dentistry, there is a high risk of
exposure to biological agents, called biohazards, that are harmful to health, by which we
mean infectious microorganisms which includes viruses, bacteria and fungi. Dental practitioners can be infected with biological causes directly by the causative agent of infectious
diseases entering through skin injuries during contact with the patient, needle or instrument
puncture incident and the patient's bite and indirectly through saliva, blood, aerosols or infectious waste.
A study was conducted in which dentists and dental assistants participated. No discrepancies
were observed in the responses of these two groups of respondents. In other words, there is no
difference in attitudes between doctors and assistants regarding to the impact of SARS-CoV-2
virus infection on dental practice.
Respondents mostly have the opinion that the pandemic has brought only minimal changes to
their daily work. Most dental workers do not feel fear for their health or existence, with a
smaller number of respondents who feel fear, especially those who are owners or employees
in dental medicine offices whose higher share of profits is dental tourism, as well as owners
or employees of offices who do not have a contract with HZZO, since these are surgeries in
which the decline in patient visits is more noticeable. No significant COVID-19 pandemic
effect on the dentists and dental assistants work was observed. Their opinion is that the
pandemic introduced minimal changes in their daily work. Most dental professionals do not
feel fear for their health or livelihood. Less
profesionalna bolest
dentalna djelatnost
doktori dentalne medicine
dentalni asistenti
Keywords (english)
occupational disease
dental activity
dental assistants
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:271:013565
Study programme Title: Dental Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2023-01-20 09:07:20