Author Karlo Ormuš
Mentor Davor Kuiš (mentor)
Committee member Davor Kuiš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Prpić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Glažar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Dental Medicine) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine
Abstract Kontrola infekcije i zaustavljanje progresije destruktivnih procesa primarni je cilj konvencionalne parodontne terapije. Ipak, željeni ishod uključuje i regeneraciju parodontnih tkiva s uspostavom njihove primarne arhitekture i funkcije, dok je u kliničkoj praksi regeneracija minimalna ili nikakva. Otkriće matičnih stanica i spoznaja da u ljudskom organizmu postoje stanice koje se, pod određenim uvjetima, mogu diferencirati u progenitore svih parodontnih tkiva, dalo je novi zamah istraživanju
... More novih terapijskih mogućnosti usmjerenih upravo ka regeneraciji parodonta. Ipak, da bi se osigurala adherencija, diferencijacija, tkivna neogeneza i maturacija matičnih stanica, uz osiguravanje metaboličkih potreba stanica, bilo je potrebno uključiti i najnovija tehnološka rješenja za proizvodnju nosača stanica željenih karakteristika. Sinergijom ovih dvaju područja nastala je nova grana znanosti, tkivni inženjering. Još jedna prekretnica u razvoju terapije parodontnih defekata bilo je otkriće udomljavanja endogenih matičnih stanica. Naime, do danas je potvrđena činjenica da je korištenjem određenih signalnih molekula, moguće izazvati migraciju endogenih matičnih stanica iz udaljenih tkiva organizma na željeno mjesto. Čini se da budućnost terapije parodontnih defekata leži upravo u tkivnom inžinjeringu. Usavršavanjem tehnologije proizvodnje nosača željenih bioloških, mehaničkih i strukturnih karakteristika, udruženo sa novim saznanjima o regulaciji sudbine matičnih stanica u zavisnosti o signalnim molekulama, moglo bi u budućnosti osigurati sigurnu i predvidivu terapiju parodontnih defekata. Less
Abstract (english) Infection and inflammation control, stopping pathological and harmful processes as well as promoting healing are the primary goals of conventional periodontal therapy. However, the desired outcome includes regeneration of periodontal tissues with the re-establishment of their primary architecture and function, while in clinical practice regeneration remains minimal or non-existing. The discovery of stem cells and the insight into the fact that there are cells in the human body that, under
... More certain conditions, can differentiate into progenitors of all periodontal tissues, gave new stimulus to the research of new therapeutic possibilities for periodontal tissue regeneration. However, in order to ensure adherence, differentiation, tissue neogenesis and maturation of stem cells, not only was it crucial to ensure the metabolic needs of the cells, but it was also necessary to include the latest technological solutions for the production of cell carriers with desired characteristics. The synergy of these two areas gave birth to a new branch of science, tissue engineering. Another turning point in the development of periodontal defects therapy was the discovery of endogenous stem cells homing. In fact, it has recently been confirmed that by using certain signaling molecules, it is possible to induce the migration of endogenous stem cells from distant tissues of the organism to the desired location. It seems that the future of periodontal defect therapy lies precisely in tissue engineering. By perfecting the technology for the production of scaffolds with the desired biological, mechanical and structural characteristics, combined with new discoveries within the regulation of stem cells fate using signaling molecules, we could ensure a safe and predictable periodontal defects therapy in the future. Less
matične stanice
parodontna regeneracija
tkivni inžinjering.
Keywords (english)
periodontal regeneration
stem cells
tissue engineering.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:271:497914
Study programme Title: Dental Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
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Created on 2023-08-31 12:33:30