Author Klaudija Kaurić
Mentor Petra Tariba Knežević (mentor)
Committee member Petra Tariba Knežević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Renata Gržić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Višnja Katić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Dental Medicine) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine
Abstract Bruksizam je oralna navika koju karakterizira nevoljno grčevito i ritmično stiskanje i škrgutanje zubima nevezano uz akt žvakanja. Uzrokuje teške tegobe koje negativno utječu na svakodnevno funkcioniranje osobe, a manifestiraju se zuboboljom, glavoboljom, bolovima u mišićima, preosjetljivošću zuba, oštećenjem restauracija i protetskih nadomjestaka. Studije potvrđuju da je riječ o centralno posredovanom poremećaju i ukazuju na usku povezanost psihosocijalnih čimbenika, posebice stresa u njegovoj
... More etiologiji. Javlja se u do 31 % odraslih osoba (2, 8).
Trenutačno ne postoji trajno učinkovito terapijsko rješenje, stoga je liječenje usmjereno na sprječavanje i ublažavanje patoloških učinaka na stomatognati sustav. Iako nema definiranih smjernica za liječenje, terapija udlagama najčešće je korišteno rješenje budući da omogućuje kontrolu stiskanja zubima i minimalizira štetne učinke bruksizma. Većina znanstvenika naglašava važnost multidisciplinarnog pristupa. Simptomatsko liječenje potrebno je kombinirati s terapijama koje uključuju redukciju stresa i promjene neuromuskularnih obrazaca. Takav plan liječenja trebao bi uz konvencionalne metode uključivati i neke od istraženih alternativnih tehnika (11, 15, 23).
Akupunktura, hipnoza, biofeedback i BoNT u znanstvenoj literaturi navode se kao alternativne tehnike koje su kod pojedinaca uspješno umanjile simptome bruksizma. Stoga treba naglasiti potrebu za dodatnim istraživanjima učinaka alternativne medicine u liječenju bruksizma radi pronalaska najprikladnijeg rješenja i mogućeg uspješnog izlječenja (50, 64, 70, 75). Less
Abstract (english) Bruxism is an oral habit characterized by involuntary spasmodic and rhythmic clenching and grinding of the teeth unrelated to the act of chewing. It causes severe ailments that negatively affect a person's daily functioning, manifested by toothache, headache, muscle pain, tooth sensitivity, damage to restorations and prosthetic replacements. Studies confirm that it is a centrally mediated disorder and point to the close connection of psychosocial factors, especially stress, in its etiology. It
... More occurs in up to 31% of adults (2, 8).
Currently, there is no permanent effective therapeutic solution, therefore the treatment is aimed at examining and alleviating the pathological effects on the stomatognathic system. Although there are no defined guidelines for treatment, splint therapy is the most used solution since it allows control of teeth grinding and minimizes the harmful effects of bruxism. Most scientists emphasize the importance of a multidisciplinary approach. Symptomatic treatment should be combined with therapies that include stress reduction and changes in neuromuscular patterns. Such a treatment plan should include, in addition to conventional methods, some of the researched alternative techniques (11, 15, 23).
Acupuncture, hypnosis and biofeedback have been described in the scientific literature as alternative techniques that have successfully reduced the symptoms of bruxism in individuals. Therefore, the need for additional research into the effect of alternative medicine in the treatment of bruxism should be emphasized in order to find the most appropriate solutions and a possible successful cure (50, 64, 70, 75). Less
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Keywords (english)
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Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:271:964315
Study programme Title: Dental Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
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Created on 2023-09-01 06:32:59