Title Traume krune zuba – suvremeni terapijski pristup : diplomski rad
Title (english) Dental crown trauma – a modern therapeutic approach : graduate thesis
Author Viktorija Zelenka
Mentor Nataša Ivančić Jokić (mentor)
Committee member Nataša Ivančić Jokić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Danko Bakarčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Brekalo Pršo (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Dental Medicine) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine
Abstract Frakture krune zuba, ukoliko se ispravno i na vrijeme liječe imaju velik postotak uspješnosti.
Pri prvom dolasku pacijenta u stomatološku ordinaciju, nužno je isključiti udružene ozlijede
potpornog tkiva zuba i okolne kosti s obzirom je u tom slučaju rizik od kasnijih komplikacija
značajno veći.
Direktne kompozitne nadogradnje frakturirane krune u većini slučajeva će zadovoljiti zahtjeve
estetike, biološke aspekte i otpornost na abraziju, ali samo u slučajevima malih ili srednje
velikih fraktura krune u prednjem segementu, u tom slučaju, posebice ako se radi o mladom
trajnom zubu, trebale bi biti prvi terapijski izbor.
Kompozitni materijali omogućavaju konzervativnu restauraciju frakture krune zuba s
minimalnim rizikom pulpnih i/ili parodontnih komplikacija u djece i odraslih. Osim toga,
restauracija se može provesti odmah nakon ozlijede (ukoliko su isključene udružene ozlijede)
te u tom slučaju ne zahtjeva više posjeta. Današnji hibridni kompozitni materijali te amfifilni
adhezivni sustavi osiguravaju estetska i mehanička svojstva materijala
U slučaju većih fraktura krune, endodontski liječenih zuba i starijih pacijenata terapija izbora
bila bi keramička krunica. U obzir se uzimaju želje samog pacijenta, ekonomski aspekt, ali i
vještine samog doktora. Ukoliko postoje sumnje i nedoumice, preporuka je učiniti minimalno
invazivan zahvat, u ovome slučaju je to nadogradnja krune kompozitnim materijalom jer
ukoliko se ne postignu željena očekivanja pacijenta ili liječnika, uvijek se može provesti
invazivniji zahvat, dok u suprotnome to nije moguće
Abstract (english) Crown fractures, if treated correctly and in a timely manner, have a high treatment success rate.
Upon the patient's first visit to the dental office, it is essential to rule out associated injuries to
the supporting tissue of the tooth and surrounding bone, as the risk of later complications is
significantly higher in such cases.
Direct composite build-ups of fractured crowns will most often meet the aesthetic requirements
of aesthetics, biological aspects, and abrasion resistance in most cases, but only in cases of
small or medium-sized crown fractures in the anterior segment. Especially in the case of a
young permanent tooth, this should be the first therapeutic choice.
Composite materials allow the conservative restoration of crown fractures with minimal risk of
pulpal and/or periodontal complications in children and adults. Additionally, restoration can be
performed immediately after the injury (assuming associated injuries are excluded), and in that
case, it does not require multiple visits. Today's hybrid composite materials and amphiphilic
adhesive systems ensure adequate aesthetic and mechanical properties of the material.
In the case of larger crown fractures, endodontically treated teeth, and elderly patients, the
treatment of choice would be a ceramic crown. Patient preferences, economic aspects, and the
skills of the dentist are always are taken into account. If there are doubts and uncertainties, the
recommendation is to always to start off with a minimally invasive procedure, in this case,
crown build-up with composite material. This is due to the fact if the patient's or dentist's
expectations are not met, a more invasive procedure can be opted for, whereas the reverse is
not possible.
komplicirana fraktura krune
kompozitni materijali
nekomplicirana fraktura krune
protetska rehabilitacija
Keywords (english)
composite materials
complicated crown fracture
prosthetic rehabilitation
uncomplicated crown fracture
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:271:875433
Study programme Title: Dental Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2024-06-20 08:57:35