Author Kristina Vorih
Mentor Nataša Ivančić Jokić (mentor)
Committee member Nataša Ivančić Jokić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Danko Bakarčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Glažar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Dental Medicine) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-07-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine Children's and Preventive Dental Medicine
Abstract Antiseptici su kemijske tvari koje lokalnim nanošenjem na netaknutu koţu, sluznicu
ili ranu djelomično ili u potpunosti smanjuju populaciju ţivih mikroorganizama u tim tkivima.
Namjenjeni su djelovanju na koţi i sluznicama. Na mikroorganizme mogu djelovati
bakteriostatski, baktericidno, fungicidno i virucidno što često ovisi i o koncentraciji
antiseptika. Efikasnost antiseptika i dezinficijensa ovisi o vremenskom djelovanju,
temperaturi, vrsti i koncentraciji aktivnog sastojka,
... More prisutnosti organske tvari, te o vrsti i
količini mikrobiološkog opterećenja. Mehanizmi djelovanja antiseptika su denaturacija
staničnih proteina; oksidacija esencijalnih sulfhidrilnih skupina enzima; alkiliranje amino-,
karboksil- i hidroksilne skupine; oštećenje nukleinskih kiselina te djelovanje na staničnu
U dentalnoj medicini primjenjuju se antiseptici za sluznicu i antiseptici za zub. Po
lokalizaciji mogu se primjeniti na cijelu sluznicu, u području gingive i gingivalnog sulkusa i
dţepova te u zubnu alveolu prilikom ekstrakcije zuba. Antiseptici za zub se koriste u većim
koncentracijama u odnosu na one za sluznicu. Primjenjuju se na ili u zub. Antiseptička
sredstva podjeljena su u skupine: alkoholi, aldehidi, fenol i derivati fenola, halogeni i njihovi
spojevi, oksidacijska sredstva, površinski aktivna sredstva.
U dječjoj dentalnoj medicini upotreba antiseptičkih sredstava dio je preventivnih i
terapijskih postupaka kod infektivnih bolesti usne šupljine. U prevenciji gingivitisa i karijesa
koriste se uglavnom antiseptička sredstva u obliku otopina za ispiranje usta. Prilikom
ordiniranja sredstva valja obratiti pozornost na djetetovu dob odnosno sposobnost da
antiseptik ispljune nakon uporabe. Korištenje antiseptičkih otopina primjenjuje se za
smanjenje broja mikroorganizama prije i nakon oralnokirurških zahvata u usnoj šupljini.
Terapija antisepticima primjenjuje se i kao dodatak mehaničkom čišćenju pri liječenju bolesti
parodontnih tkiva poput gingivitisa i parodontitisa. U dječjoj dentalnoj medicini antiseptici
ostvaruju značajnu ulogu i kao dio endodontske terapije gdje se koriste u sklopu vitalne i
devitalizacijske pulpotomije te pulpektomije. Antiseptici se koriste kao sredstva irigacije pri
kemijskoj obradi korijenskih kanala mliječnih i trajnih zuba te kao intrakanalni ulošci koji se
stavljaju izmeĎu dvije posjete. Nakon kemijske i mehaničke obrade primjenjuju se paste za
punjenje korijenskih kanala mliječnih zuba koje takoĎer u svom sastavu imaju antiseptička
Pravilan odabir antiseptika preduvjet je uspješnog liječenja te je stoga vaţno razmotriti
spektar njegova antimikrobnog djelovanja, latenciju, rezidualne učinke, moguće smetnje
prisutnosti organskog materijala s aktivnošću antiseptika, kompatibilnost s drugim
antisepticima te nuspojave i cijenu. Na djelotvornost antiseptika takoĎer utječu koncentracija,
vrijeme djelovanja te temperatura sredstva. Less
Abstract (english) Antiseptics are chemicals that, when applied topically to intact skin, mucous
membranes or wounds, partially or completely reduce the population of living
microorganisms in these tissues. They are intended to act on the skin and mucous membranes.
Their action on microorganisms is bacteriostatic, bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal, which
often depends on the concentration of antiseptics. The effectiveness of antiseptics and
disinfectants depends on the time of action,
... More temperature, type and concentration of the active
ingredient, the presence of organic matter, and the type and amount of microbiological load.
The mechanisms of action of antiseptics are denaturation of cellular proteins; oxidation of
essential sulfhydryl groups of enzymes; alkylation of the amino, carboxyl and hydroxyl
groups; nucleic acid damage and action on the cell membrane.
In dentistry, antiseptics for the mucosa and antiseptics for the tooth are used. By
localization, they can be applied to the entire mucosa, in the area of the gingiva and gingival
sulcus and pockets, and in the dental alveolus during tooth extraction. Tooth antiseptics are
used in higher concentrations than for mucous membranes. They are applied to or into the
tooth. Antiseptics are divided into groups: alcohols, aldehydes, phenol and phenol derivatives,
halogens and their compounds, oxidizing agents, surfactants.
In pediatric dentistry, the use of antiseptics is part of preventive and therapeutic procedures in
infectious diseases of the oral cavity. In the prevention of gingivitis and caries, antiseptics in
the form of mouthwash solutions are mainly used. When administering the product, attention
should be paid to the child's age and the ability to spit out the antiseptic after use. The use of
antiseptic solutions is used to reduce the number of microorganisms before and after oral
surgery in the oral cavity. Antiseptic therapy is also used as an adjunct to mechanical
cleansing in the treatment of periodontal tissue diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis. In
pediatric dentistry, antiseptics play a significant role as part of endodontic therapy where they
are used as part of vital and devitalization pulpotomy and pulpectomy. Antiseptics are used as
irrigation agents in the chemical treatment of the root canals of deciduous and permanent
teeth, and as intracanal inserts that are placed between two visits. After chemical and
mechanical treatment, pastes are used to fill the root canals of deciduous teeth, which also Proper selection of antiseptics is a prerequisite for successful treatment and therefore
it is important to consider the spectrum of its antimicrobial action, latency, residual effects,
possible interference with the presence of organic material with antiseptic activity,
compatibility with other antiseptics and side effects and cost. The effectiveness of antiseptics
is also affected by the concentration, duration of action and temperature of the agent. Less
dječja dentalna medicina
kemijska kontrola plaka
vodica za ispiranje
Keywords (english)
pediatric dentistry
chemical plaque control
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:271:636332
Study programme Title: Dental Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2023-01-20 07:44:49